Monday, October 27, 2008

Magnetic Fields = no go

I didn't make it to the Magnetic Fields concert tonight. I know that my cool factor has taken a hit as a result, but I have to be out of the office tomorrow and I really needed to get some work done this afternoon/evening. What can you do?

I came home late and watched three episodes of Mad Men on DVD instead. We are just starting on Season One because our cable company decided that AMC should be on the premium lineup, so we stopped getting it shortly before Mad Men premiered. I may not be able to keep watching the series, just because every time the guys at the ad agency belittle/sexually harass the women YET AGAIN, it makes me want to punch the television set. The series is well-written, well-acted and beautifully filmed, but it is getting to me. On the other hand, Betty Draper and Ken Cosgrove are now following me on Twitter and vice versa, so that's pretty cool.

The art director of Nine Inch Nails needs to stop Twittering pictures of New Orleans. It's really starting to piss me off. Yeah, Rob, you're there, I'm not. I GET IT. Quit rubbing it in.

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